If you do not have a folder named UPDATE then create one with all Capital Letters Go Cfw PS3 Custom Firmware Go Cfw Iso Compatibility So. If you are NOT on 6.39 but would like to be then Download the 6.39 Update below for your PSP model and put the update in PSP/GAME/UPDATE. You will have to run a FastRecovery in order to enable CFW after rebooting or your battery dying. (Suspend/Resume works normally with this setup, BTW.) The PSP Go has a built-in music player, but I recommend the plugin Hold+to go with it DarkSpeed replaces the comic viewer app in the Extras category with a CFW launcher. I use PRO-C2 6.61, along with DarkSpeedas an easy/attractive way to launch the CFW after a full shutdown. Hi guys, Tech James here,This video will show you how to update your PSP to the latest 6.61 Custom Firmware (CFW), this will. PSP/PSP GO 6.61 Custom Firmware Jailbreak (PRO CFW) 2017! - YouTube. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence. PSP GO 6.61 Infinity Permanent CFW (PRO) Full Tutorial! 2017! If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Home PSP Go CFW PSP GO 6.61 Infinity Permanent CFW (PRO) Full Tutorial.